On Fri, 2008-05-09 at 11:11 -0400, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
> I have reported a problem with system-settings/plugins/ifcfg-fedora/plugin.c 
> not detecting changes made by system-config-network because the ifcfg file 
> in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ is really a hardlink rather than the main 
> file.
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=444502
> Besides the "patch" I have outlined in the bug report (towards the end), it 
> appears that simply adding another int (wd2) to the SCPluginIfcfgPrivate 
> struct definition could be used to hold the value of hardlink's wd.

I'm actually about to re-work the inotify code for the fedora plugin
completely, moving to GFileMonitor instead.  This allows us to simplify
the ifcfg-fedora plugin by using standard glib GIO APIs.  If glib's
GFileMonitor stuff doesn't correctly handle hardlinks, we've got larger
problems than just NM :)

To preserve compatibility with Fedora 8 (which doesn't have glib 2.14
and therefore doesn't have GFileMonitor) I've extracted the necessary
GFileMonitor bits from glib, which will be built into the system
settings service if you don't have glib 2.14 or later.

For the immediate time, lets pursue a quick fix for the existing inotify
code; I think a small modification to look up the full path in the watch
hash table and then emit the event correctly should work.  I'll poke
around with the logs you've generated, which were quite helpful.  We can
then push this fix into the Fedora packages as a patch.


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