On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 9:23 PM, Eric S. Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Darren Albers wrote:
>> In the short-term set the two deny's at the bottom to permit.   It
>> will get DHCP working and maybe Dan or someone can help us figure out
>> what the proper permissions are.
> that was actually part of the original instructions but for some reason my
> calibrated eyeball diff failed.  Now I can access my open access point and I
> will try it tomorrow on a wep protected one.
> Unfortunately, adding open VPN connections don't seem to work at all.  I can
> make do with a CLI invocation in the host OS in the meantime.  I may need to
> play some games to give the guest OSs access to the same open VPN connection
> but that's my problem.
> How much commentary do people want on user interface issues?  I am disabled
> and as a result am highly sensitive to bad user interfaces.  the current
> user interface failed me miserably because 1) I had to type, and 2) my
> exceedingly clumsy typing caused the user interface to fail in ways that
> forced me to go back to the beginning multiple times.  This process cost me
> a good deal of physical pain.
> you can't do much about 1 because NaturallySpeaking is barely usable under
> wine.  With any luck, that will change of the next year but right now, it's
> not so good if you need full function speech recognition under Linux[1].
>  But 2, that we can do something about.  We can minimize typing and the user
> interface flow can make failures a little less painful.
> ---eric
> [1] no, don't mention Sphinx, don't mention Julius, don't mention HTK or any
> other speech recognition product whose primary goal is to give graduate
> students something to do and write a paper about.  They don't work, have
> large enough vocabularies, or sufficient language modeling not to mention
> user interfaces or integration to an authoring systems/applications.  Yes, I
> do get very cranky on this topic.  :-)


I had some issues with OpenVPN but got it working.   I have some rough
notes I will post once I clean up.   I think the primary issue was
that when I built it the first time I didn't use the right prefix and
it put the configuration files in /usr/etc or something weird like

Regarding the UI issues, I will let Dan comment in detail but in 99%
of the cases you should never need to do anything beyond enter your
wireless key (And with WEP select the key type) since NM will detect
the network type and prompt you when you select it.   The manage
networks dialog shouldn't be something you need to use often.   In my
case I have connected to 3-4 different wireless networks and 1 Aircard
without going into that UI except for my own curiosity.   That doesn't
mean that the interface shouldn't be cleaned up to make it more useful
to those in situations like your though.

Not to go off-subject but your comment regarding accessibility is
interesting since I read a lot of posts that say how good that is in
Gnome but I have never had anyone with personal experience comment on
it.  That is really too bad....

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