On Thu, 2008-05-29 at 01:31 -0400, Marc Ferguson wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having a problem getting my new installation of Fedora 9's
> wireless component to work with my Thinkpad R40.  I've been on the
> Fedora forums and mailing list with no solution.  NetworkManager
> detects other wireless networks (great), it even determined my 124-bit
> HEX from my PassPhrase, but it WON'T connect to the network.  I tried
> other open wireless networks, such as Starbucks, etc and it still
> didn't connect.  What could I be missing?  Thanks.

Hmm...  Do you know what wireless hardware you have installed?  Running
"/sbin/lspci" from a terminal would say, or you can just reply with
whatever it spits out.

Second, NM dumps logs to /var/log/messages, so I could get a peek at
your /var/log/messages file after you've tried & failed to connect, that
would be quite helpful.  It's a big file though, so email it to me
privately rather than sending it to the list.


> Background: I'm a linux noob so I understand some things, but not all.
> I am a Windows power-user, but that doesn't really mean much when
> dealing with a REAL operating system.
> -- 
> Marc F.
> "..Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and who is to
> come.." -Rev1:4 
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