I'd like to use the CMOTECH CNU-680 (http://www.cmotech.com/english/products/pro_05.html) (alias ice.net D-50) with NM. The modem starts up in CD mode and requires an ioctl to change to modem mode. I've created the cmotech-tools project (http://sourceforge.net/projects/cmotech-tools) which now includes a small program to do this switch. Connecting with wvdial works great.

To be usable with NM, I've also created a .fdi file:

<deviceinfo version="0.1">
<match key="@info.parent:usb.vendor_id" int="0x16d8">
<match key="@info.parent:usb.product_id" int="0x680a">
<match key="@info.parent:usb.interface.number" int="0">
<match key="serial.port" int="0">
<append key="info.capabilities" type="strlist">cdma</append>
<append key="info.capabilities" type="strlist">modem</append>
</match>  </match>  </match>  </match>  </device> </deviceinfo>

I don't know much about .fdi:s, basically I'm guessing here, but after adding this file as /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/20thirdparty/10-cmotech-modem.fdi, the device shows up in NM. I do wonder which package should include a file like this: Should I include it in my cmotech-utils package, or send a patch to the HAL project?

Selecting "Auto CDMA" in NM fails. I guess this is because no username or password is provided. For ice.net, both the username and password is public, "cdma" and "cdma", but of course NM doesn't know this? It does figure our the phone number (#777) automatically, though.

The problem is, manually creating a Mobile Broadband connection doesn't work either. See log below. Any ideas? I'm using Fedora9.

Jun  7 20:22:46 sandy NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ttyACM0) starting 
connection 'ice.net'
Jun  7 20:22:46 sandy NetworkManager: <info>  (ttyACM0): device state change: 3 
-> 4
Jun  7 20:22:46 sandy NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ttyACM0) Stage 1 of 5 
(Device Prepare) scheduled...
Jun  7 20:22:46 sandy NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ttyACM0) Stage 1 of 5 
(Device Prepare) started...
Jun  7 20:22:46 sandy NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ttyACM0) Stage 1 of 5 
(Device Prepare) complete.
Jun  7 20:22:46 sandy NetworkManager: <info>  Connected, Woo!
Jun  7 20:22:46 sandy NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ttyACM0) Stage 2 of 5 
(Device Configure) scheduled...
Jun  7 20:22:46 sandy NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ttyACM0) Stage 2 of 5 
(Device Configure) starting...
Jun  7 20:22:46 sandy NetworkManager: <info>  (ttyACM0): device state change: 4 
-> 5
Jun  7 20:22:46 sandy NetworkManager: <info>  Starting pppd connection
Jun  7 20:22:46 sandy NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ttyACM0) Stage 2 of 5 
(Device Configure) complete.
Jun  7 20:22:47 sandy pppd[3620]: Plugin /usr/lib/pppd/2.4.4/nm-pppd-plugin.so 
Jun  7 20:22:47 sandy kernel: PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
Jun  7 20:22:47 sandy pppd[3620]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
Jun  7 20:22:47 sandy pppd[3620]: Using interface ppp0
Jun  7 20:22:47 sandy pppd[3620]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyACM0
Jun  7 20:22:47 sandy NetworkManager: <WARN>  impl_ppp_manager_need_secrets(): 
Cleared secrets, but setting didn't need any secrets.
Jun  7 20:22:47 sandy pppd[3620]: Unable to obtain CHAP password for 
sandy.lkpg.cendio.se on pdsn from plugin
Jun  7 20:22:47 sandy pppd[3620]: No CHAP secret found for authenticating us to 
Jun  7 20:22:47 sandy pppd[3620]: CHAP authentication failed: Illegal user or 
Jun  7 20:22:47 sandy pppd[3620]: CHAP authentication failed
Jun  7 20:22:47 sandy pppd[3620]: Connection terminated.
Jun  7 20:22:47 sandy NetworkManager: <info>  (ttyACM0): device state change: 5 
-> 9
Jun  7 20:22:47 sandy NetworkManager: <info>  Marking connection 'ice.net' 
Jun  7 20:22:47 sandy NetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ttyACM0) failed.
Jun  7 20:22:47 sandy NetworkManager: <info>  (ttyACM0): device state change: 9 
-> 3
Jun  7 20:22:47 sandy NetworkManager: <info>  (ttyACM0): deactivating device.
Jun  7 20:22:48 sandy pppd[3620]: Exit.

When using wvdial, the log is much shorter:

Jun  7 20:25:12 sandy pppd[3907]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
Jun  7 20:25:12 sandy pppd[3907]: Using interface ppp0
Jun  7 20:25:12 sandy pppd[3907]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyACM0
Jun  7 20:25:15 sandy pppd[3907]: CHAP authentication succeeded: Welcome to 
Jun  7 20:25:15 sandy pppd[3907]: CHAP authentication succeeded
Jun  7 20:25:15 sandy kernel: PPP Deflate Compression module registered
Jun  7 20:25:16 sandy pppd[3907]: local  IP address
Jun  7 20:25:16 sandy pppd[3907]: remote IP address
Jun  7 20:25:16 sandy pppd[3907]: primary   DNS address
Jun  7 20:25:16 sandy pppd[3907]: secondary DNS address

Best regards, /Peter Åstrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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