On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 12:54 PM, Pablo Martí <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 5:10 PM, Tambet Ingo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This interfaces might be enough for ModemManager's purposes as MM is
> just interested on 5/6 commands, but for projects like Wader where we
> export 40+ methods this flat namespace is nothing but ideal. The
> exported methods could be grouped into five different areas:
> o.f.MM.M.G.Card
> o.f.MM.M.G.Contacts
> o.f.MM.M.G.Network
> o.f.MM.M.G.PIN
> o.f.MM.M.G.SMS
> org.freedesktop.ModemManager.Modem.Gsm.Card: SIM/Card related operations
>  - DisableEcho() ->
>  - EnableEcho() ->
>  - Enable(b enable) ->  (This is the Enable method of ModemManager, I
> think it goes here but I might be completely wrong here :)
>  - GetCharset -> s
>  - GetCharsets() -> as
>  - GetIMEI() -> s
>  - GetIMSI() -> s
>  - GetManufacturer() -> s
>  - GetModel() -> s
>  - GetVersion() -> s  (Firmware version)
>  - ResetSettings() ->  (ATZ)
>  - SetCharset(s charset) ->
> org.freedesktop.ModemManager.Modem.Gsm.Contacts: Contact related operations:
>  - Add(s name, s number) -> u
>  - Delete(u index) ->
>  - Find(s pattern) -> a(uss)
>  - Get(u index) -> (uss)
>  - GetPhonebookSize() -> u    (Could be renamed to GetSize() ?)
>  - List() -> a(uss)
> org.freedesktop.ModemManager.Modem.Gsm.Network:
>  - GetRegistrationStatus() -> (uu)    (AT+CREG?)
>  - GetInfo() -> (su)  (AT+COPS?)
>  - GetNames() -> a(ussuu)   (AT+COPS=?)
>  - GetRoamingIDs() -> as    (AT+CPOL?)
>  - GetSignalQuality() -> u
>  - SetRegistrationNotification(b enable) ->
>  - SetInfoFormat(u mode, u format) -> (i.e. AT+COPS=3,0)
>  - RegisterWithNetID(s netid) ->

Oh well, I forgot the API already defined by ModemManager for bands:

  - SetBand
  - GetBand

I'm quite kweel with them, thats why I didnt mention 'em

Pablo Martí
http://www.linkedin.com/in/pmarti || http://www.warp.es
python -c "print '706d6172746940776172702e6573'.decode('hex')"
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