On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 2:56 PM, Tor Fosnaes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The only atypical entry seems to be where the connection is made and the
> send_accm is 00000000 and recv_accm is FFFFFFFF.
> The next line gives a Non-Zero ACCM are not supported.
> So is it the FFFFFFFF that it doesn't like?
> Or is it the 00000000 - which appears to all zeros to me.
> This is followed by both send and recv accm values being FFFFFFFF which is
> followed again by the Non-Zero error.
> The next line says LCP terminated by peer (ie. the windows server cuts the
> connection (?) and then the nm vpn reacts to the closed connection by
> shutting down and delivering the failed error message.

Would be nice if you didn't start a new thread with each response.

Patryk Zawadzki
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