
with the switch to Intrepid I finally got the long awaited NM 0.7 features and
although it incorporates several enhancements I would really like to set it back
to the 0.6 behaviour of 1 active (physical) device.

My current current use case is:

office - work on ethernet only
suspend, go home
home - work wireless only
suspend, visit girl friend
home2 - work wireless only

After every resume NM seems very confused about its location and shows a lot of
old entries in the applet. Sometimes I see SSIDs from all 3 locations in the
list and although I'm already connected to ethernet NM tries to associate with
an old SSID, times out and prompts for a new WPA key.

I tried to disable automatic connection to known networks, but I didn't find a
switch for "exclusive connection" - this way is annoying, as I would have to
redo this for every new network. I'm looking for a global "1 physical only,
prefer wired over wireless".


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