On Wed, 2008-11-26 at 14:11 +0100, Harald Solheim wrote:
> When at the University I need to use VPN to get internet access. When I
> am at home or at other locations I need to use VPN for access to email
> and scientific journals, so I use a different VPN profile for this. I
> have seen that NetworkManager can run a script when there is a change in
> network status. Is there any way I can have NetworkManager automatically
> connect to a specific VPN profile depending on which network I am
> connected to, and get  the normal visual feedback from nm-applet about
> the VPN connection? I sometimes lose the VPN connection, so it's nice to
> get a notification of this.

This functionality is planned.  However, you might be able to get it
implemented by using a dispatcher script based on the connection UUID
that was just activated.  Have a list of connection UUIDs that you'd
like the VPN to activate for, and when that connection is brought up,
ask NM to activate that VPN.  However, this will only work for
system-wide connections, because the scripts are run as root.  Hence why
it's better to get it fully integrated into NM itself.


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