On Thu, 2008-12-18 at 23:17 -0600, David Orman wrote:
> Filed a bug in Gnome's bugtracker in case anybody else runs across
> this thread with the same issue:
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=565065

The GTC is the dongle thing that gives you a one-time-pad, correct?  In
this case, we do need to add a bunch of support for GTC to
NetworkManager.  It would mean not entering the PIN in the connection
editor or anywhere, but having the applet ask for the PIN *ever* time
the connection or reconnection attempt was made.  It wouldn't be hard to
actually support, but would take some code.  It's on the table, I've
seen another request for it recently, just needs the work done.  If
anyone's up for doing the patch, I can outline what needs to get


> Thanks,
> David
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 4:09 AM, David Orman <orma...@corenode.com>
> wrote:
>         Hi,
>         I am trying to use Fedora 10/Intel 5300 on a Cisco based
>         wireless network, which uses GTC for the inner authentication.
>         I see this option no longer exists in the version of NM that I
>         have: NetworkManager-0.7.0-0.12.svn4326.fc10.x86_64.
>         Out of curiosity, I used GIT to get the latest source, and see
>         the following in libnm-util/nm-setting-8021x.c:
>          950         { "gtc", NULL, NULL },  // FIXME: implement
>         So, it appears GTC is not implemented in NM, even though
>         wpa_supplicant supports it. Are there any patches available
>         that allow this to work? This seems to be a regression from
>         version 0.6.x (I don't know the exact version I was using
>         before).
>         I've seen various bugs filed at the distribution level
>         regarding this, but I didn't see one with this specific
>         problem in the Gnome bugtracker. However, seeing the comment
>         in the source, it seems to be a known-issue. Is this actually
>         the case, and will this actually be implimented? Do I need to
>         actually file a bug? Are there any known workarounds?
>         Respectfully,
>         David
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