Alexander Sack wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 04:20:29PM -0500, Eric S. Johansson wrote:
>> Alexander Sack wrote:
>>> you need to get to preferences -> software sources -> authentication
>>> and add the downloaded yet there to prevent those warnings from popping up.
>> did that and I see an entry starting with:
>> BC8EBFE8 2009-01-20
>> Still get the same error.
> if you still see the warning about the key, you didnt add the right
> pubkey (or you have two PPAs or something).

well, I got the key from the webpage with instructions for how to install from
the repository
and it fails no matter what I do.  I think the problem lies somewhere else
because I also have two other repositories  whose keys fail in the same way.

Anyway, I was interested in upgrading because I'm having problems with the
version I installed last summer.


anyway, the main reason I was interested in upgrading is that I can't switch
between WiFi and wired ethernet easily and I can't seem to import dns
information from open VPN.  Looking in the repository, it doesn't look like
you've updated the debs for 8.04 leading me to think I might need to build from

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