If you're interested in bluetooth DUN, you can try the program
"blueman". Sorry i'm unable to send any links now, but a google search
will yield results. It is easy to install and use and integrates with
network-manager 0.7 and works quite well for me on my ubuntu intrepid

Bear in mind that bluetooth has limited speed, so if you're using a 3g
connection, you're probably still better off with a usb cable.


On 3/3/09, Dan Williams <d...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-03-02 at 13:19 +0100, Patrick Steiner wrote:
>> hi,
>> i know this question was asked 1000 times ;).
>> but is there a current status of the bluetooth dun support in the
>> current network manager?
> Yes.
>> i heard it should be available with 0.7.1. i have installed
>> NetworkManager- on my test machine, but i can
>> figure out any bluetooth support via the nm-applet.
> Nope, it's not in NM 0.7.1; there's still work to be done to refactor
> code internally to support it.  BT likely won't happen on the 0.7.x
> branch because a large part of the effort was to punt mobile broadband
> handling out to ModemManager, which is only on trunk.  That might change
> as ModemManager becomes more mature, but we should probably try to keep
> the 0.7.x branch free of destabilizing changes like that.  So it's
> something being worked on, and it's definitely planned.  Just not here
> yet.
> Dan
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