On Sat, 2009-03-14 at 21:47 -0400, Daniel wrote:
> The 
> problem is that when I have a wireless connection going, then plug in the 
> ethernet - the route defaults to the wired connection. Hence, killing my 
> ability to waste time surfing and reading mailing lists... ;) 

Does this happen as well if you create a special "wired" profile for
that work site which has the setting "DHCP (Addresses only)"? it could
imagine that like this, it will only get an addess and ignore any other
info such as DNS servers, WINS servers and NetBIOS node types.

Ah.. just tried it. Doesn't work; it still accepts the default gateway
from DHCP and modifies the routing table

This however works: create a wired configuration profile for that "work
site", which has has a static IP, but no default gateway configuration.
Like that, the DHCP-learnt route from the WiFi will take precedence.



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