On Sun, 2009-04-19 at 00:42 -0400, Eric S. Johansson wrote:
> this isn't really a problem with network manager but that is where first
> manifested.  The problem is that when open VPN is started, the far side DNS
> entry is added to resolv.conf and there in lies the problem.  When the far 
> side
> DNS server returns a NXDOMAIN which keeps the resolver from looking at the 
> next
> name server.  What the user experiences is that the only names to resolve are
> those coming from the far-side-of-the-VPN name server.

You can add additional nameservers in the connection editor, and they
should get appended to the list that the far side returns.  Otherwise,
you can also elect to ignore whatever the far side returns, and use your
own nameservers instead.  These options are available in the connection
editor.  Just use "automatic" and add your own to the text box below, or
if you want to ignore the remote DNS servers, select "automatic
addresses only".


> I've encountered this problem on Mac and Linux systems and while it would be
> nice to find a solution with a resolver change, I'm looking at an alternative
> using dnsmasq because of having been burned by VMWare's "less than ideal" DHCP
> and DNS handling.
> Here's the path to madness.
> Install dnsmasq
> Set /etc/resolv.conf to the local dnsmasq (nameserver
> *Tell network manager to store its information to /etc/resolv.conf.vpn
> Tell dnsmasq to read the server list from /etc/resolv.conf.vpn
> is it possible to tell network manager to store its information elsewhere?
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