>>>>> "Gour" == Gour  <ggd...@gmail.com> writes:

>>>>> "Dan" == Dan Williams <d...@redhat.com> writes:
Dan> HAL property.  You have two options:

Dan> 2) Or, install the attached file to
Dan> /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/01-deprecated-keys.fdi

Gour> For now, I went with the 2nd one...

Dan> That should make things work again.

Gour> It seems there is some progress, but I'm still writing this post
Gour> using hsoconnect :-/

Just to inform the list that I solved my problem...

Browsing the forums at http://pharscape.org/ led me to the following


where the workaround for my 3g modem is mentioned, i.e. since there is
no use of username and password (only PIN & APN) with my mobile ISP,
after putting some dummy values in, NM is connecting nicely now - I'm
writing this reply via NM-manged connection :-D

However, it would be nice if NM could manage it without dummy values as
well. ;)



Gour  | Zagreb, Croatia  | GPG key: C6E7162D

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