Hi there!

Same old story - worked in Jaunty after usb_modeswitch, doesn't in
Karmic. Usb_modeswitch  works properly, dmesg shows serial ports gets
created, but NM remains silent in it's own debug (--no-daemon and
NM_SERIAL_DEBUG used) and I can't connect to mobile broadband profile
I created.mBug reported here:

I just wonder how I could help to get this modem back in the line?
What debug shall I do and report for the record? What code I should
pull and compile? :) I have some expierence with crunching bugs like
this, so give me instructions, I will try to do the rest.

Also another "interesting" feature of this modem in Jaunty is losing
it's serial ports when mobile connection goes high-way. Only
re-plugging and reswitching helps. Kernel bug? NM problem?

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