Hello everyone.
I need your knownledge !
With a friend we are trying to adapt the module "nm-pptp" of
NetworkManager to the distribution Frugalware.
At first glance, the VPN connection is made, but nothing can happen.
When I go on a website, the browser tries endlessly to join it.
Apparently, the problem comes from the DNS.
In the settings of the wired and VPN, I put the OpenDNS IP and
/etc/resolv.conf contains the correct IP addresses.

Here is the log of NetworkManager when connecting to the VPN :

NetworkManager: <info>  Starting VPN service
NetworkManager: <info>  VPN service
'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.pptp' started
(org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.pptp), PID 12367
NetworkManager: <info>  VPN service
'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.pptp' just appeared, activating connections
NetworkManager: <info>  VPN plugin state changed: 1
NetworkManager: <info>  VPN plugin state changed: 3
** Message: <info>  pppd started with pid 12375

NetworkManager: <info>  VPN connection 'Ipredator' (Connect) reply received.
Plugin /usr/lib/pppd/2.4.4/nm-pptp-pppd-plugin.so loaded.
Using interface ppp0
Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/5
sh: /bin/ip: No such file or directory
sh: /bin/ip: No such file or directory
CHAP authentication succeeded
MPPE 128-bit stateless compression enabled
local  IP address
remote IP address
primary   DNS address
secondary DNS address
** Message: <info>  PPTP service (IP Config Get) reply received.

** (process:12367): WARNING **: <WARN>  get_pptp_gw_address_as_gvalue():
couldn't convert PPTP VPN gateway IP address 'vpn.ipredator.se' (0)

NetworkManager: <info>  VPN connection 'Ipredator' (IP Config Get) reply
NetworkManager: nm_ip4_config_add_nameserver: assertion `nameserver !=
s' failed
NetworkManager: <info>  VPN Gateway:
NetworkManager: <info>  Tunnel Device: ppp0
NetworkManager: <info>  Internal IP4 Address:
NetworkManager: <info>  Internal IP4 Prefix: 32
NetworkManager: <info>  Internal IP4 Point-to-Point Address:
NetworkManager: <info>  Maximum Segment Size (MSS): 0
NetworkManager: <info>  Internal IP4 DNS:
NetworkManager: <info>  DNS Domain: '(none)'
NetworkManager: <info>  Login Banner:
NetworkManager: <info>  -----------------------------------------
NetworkManager: <info>  (null)
NetworkManager: <info>  -----------------------------------------
NetworkManager: <info>  VPN connection 'Ipredator' (IP Config Get) complete.
NetworkManager: <info>  Policy set 'Ipredator' (ppp0) as default for
routing and DNS.
NetworkManager: <info>  VPN plugin state changed: 4
NetworkManager: <info>  Trying to start the supplicant...

I hope you can help me.

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