I'm back.  I've run into something.

First, I stopped NetworkManager service, and then tried creating a
simple wpa_supplicant configuration file, like so...



Excecuted with:  /usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant -ddd -i wlan0 -c
wpacert-soms.conf -D wext

As you can see I left out the certificate line.  This did work
successfully, if PEAPTYPE=0.  (Type 1 did not work).  I don't have any
logs, but I'd be happy to post them if anyone would like to see.

I then did the following steps in NetworkManager:

1.  Selected "networkname" under the network menu.
2.  Entered the same data from the conf file (MSCHAP, PEAP=0, no certificate).

I then connected!  Voila!  This connection worked, although I had to
click "Ignore" on the Don't Use Certificate question box.

3.  Then, I opened up the connection ("Edit Connections"), and set the
certificate for it in NetworkManager.
4.  To top it off, I tried setting PEAP to Automatic.

And then it connected again!  Amazing.

5.  I then restarted the computer, and logged back in.
6.  NetworkManager failed to connection after several times.

Wait.  What happened here?  It was just working.

7.  I deleted the NetworkManager connection, and then re-selected the
network in the menu.
8.  I added the original settings (PEAP=0, no certificate) again.

I connected again!

9.  I opened the connection and set the certificate and PEAP to Automatic.

And then it connected!  Until I restarted my computer again...

So this is my dilemma.  Certificate+PEAP=Automatic doesn't seem to
work on its own.  However, if I try to connect to the network with
PEAP=0, no certificate, then the connection is successful, AND
subsequent connections (as Iong as I don't restart the computer) are
successful with the certificate and PEAP=Automatic.

This has happened consistently.  Why does NM connect correctly with
the certificate+PEAP=Auto, only after I've previously connected with
NoCertificate+PEAP=0?  If anyone has any debugging advice I'd be happy
to follow it.
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