Hi Pablo,

> we would like to extend the ModemManager API so that it can handle
> USSD commands. The USSD API of oFono [0] looks quite nice IMHO and I'd
> like to propose a similar API:


> It is basically a copy of their API (they nailed it down) except for
> GetProperties and PropertiesChanged signal which are ConnMan-specific.
> I haven't had a use-case yet for the "Respond" command (my USSD
> petitions are simple), but it needs to be there indeed for future
> uses. Thoughts?

any reason why you are not using oFono. It is a full telephony stack and
does a lot more things in the background that are mandatory. And you
would not have to implement the whole USSD support all by yourself.

Especially when we merge the integrated PPP support into oFono, then it
might be a nice alternative for you actually.



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