On Fri, 2010-04-02 at 15:11 +0200, Sébastien Fillaudeau wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> For my study in my university, i work on network-manager source code.
> I download the sources file of network-manager by the git repositories
> I study the source code but i don't find where is the code where
> Network-manager load the wifi setting connection situed in
> ~/.gconf/system/networking/connections/
> If you could help me by giving me the name of function or the file
> were i can find this information , i would really appreciate.

You can read a bit about the NM architecture here:


what happens is that nm-applet reads in the connections from GConf, then
provides them over D-Bus to NetworkManager and other applications.  NM
waits for nm-applet to appear as a D-Bus service (it's the 'user
settings service') and when it does, queries nm-applet for all the
connections that nm-applet knows about.

NM does that in nm-manager.c:user_query_connections().

nm-applet provides the connections through a subclass of
NMSettingsService, called NMAGConfSettings.  NMAGConfSettings is defined
in nma-gconf-settings.c, and it registers a hook with its superclass
called "list_connections" (see nma_gconf_settings_class_init) that gets
called whenever some other D-Bus client asks the applet for any
connections it knows about.

I hope that gives you start!


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