On Thu, 2010-04-01 at 10:35 +0200, Torsten Spindler wrote:
> Hello,
> On Thu, 2010-04-01 at 20:52 +1300, Simon Geard wrote:
> ...
> > Your link doesn't seem to be publicly accessible - I get "You are not
> > allowed to view this page" when I click on it...
> you are right. My wrong for sending out an internal link. I guess the
> work results will be published some time on the public Ubuntu wiki.
> Sorry for the mis-information.

Would be nice to coordinate designs, however, while they are actually

I know the GNOME Shell team is also working on a redesign for GNOME 3.0,
plus there's the existing design ideas we had from a year or two ago
that I blogged about.

If there end up being more than one design proposals, it's going to be a
lot harder to make any of them happen...


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