On Thu, 2010-04-08 at 20:13 +0200, Sébastien Fillaudeau wrote:
> Hi,
> For my work, i try to modify the mn-applet to order connection by there 
> priority.
> The priority for the nma-gconf-connection can be get by the path of this 
> connection.

What behavior are you trying to get here with the priorities?  NM
doesn't use priorities for a specific reason, usually because they're a
pretty bad way to interact with users.  It's not often that you have
more than one visible wifi network in the same area that you switch
between frequently; that would usually indicate bad network planning :)
There may be other ways we can adjust the behavior.

But I don't think your patch is the right way to do this.  You don't
really want to be modifying nm-connection.c or really libnm-util at all,
and you don't need to.

Just abuse the 'timestamp' option to be your priority, which NM will
already use to sort the connections.  Disable the code in nm-applet that
updates the timestamp periodically, and then add some bits in
nm-connection-editor that change the timestamp based on what the user
wants the priority to be.


> I have a probleme when i tried to get te connection path. It seems to 
> have illegal caracter at the beginning of the path.
> Maybe, any modification of char in gchar could cause it?
> The get_path function give a char *.
> If you know something about comparable error can you help me.
> I search a lot about this errors and i don't found any help.
> I attach the patch of my modification, maybe you could help me better if 
> you see the code i generated.
> Thank for any help
> Sebastien
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