On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 01:01, John Mahoney <jmaho...@waav.com> wrote:
>> I'm looking into the 598 now, and I'm having a little trouble getting
>> NM to recognize it. I plug in the device and I can see by using dmesg
>> that the sierra driver gets loaded, but when I run
>> nm-connection-editor and try to edit the connection, it doesn't get
>> listed in the device dropdown. Is there anything I have to do to get
>> it recognized? I also haven't been able to find any good guides on
>> setting it up. I'm running Ubuntu Karmic right now.
> On Sierra's site there is a
> link(http://www.sierrawireless.com/en/Support/knowledgebase.aspx) in
> the knowledge base which says:
> "**Note: Ubuntu 9.10 distribution is not supported with Sierra
> Wireless modems. Ubuntu 9.04 distribution is still supported with all
> Sierra Wireless modems listed in this KB article.
> We expect the issue to be fixed in Ubuntu 10.4."
> If you require Ubuntu 9.10 and Sierra isn't working get a Novatel.
> --
> John

Thanks for the follow up John! So far the 598U seems to be working
alright, but I'll keep the novatel in mind if it should prove
unreliable. We do plan to upgrade our systems to be running lucid as
soon as possible, but they'll be on karmic a little longer yet.
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