On Tue, 2010-06-22 at 18:02 -0400, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hi,
> I just upgraded my phone to an Evo so I no longer get USB Tethering.
> Boo!
> However there is this nice app called PDAnet that would give me
> DUN via Bluetooth!
> YAY!
> However it doesn't seem to work with FC12.
> Boo!
> For one thing, the BT Net Device Setup times out detecting the phone
> details.  I've got gnome-bluetooth 2.28.6 which is newer than 2.27.6 so
> that should be "new enough".  For another, it seems that the NM in FC12
> doesn't seem to support DUN (or if it does, I can't figure out how to
> connect it all up).  Apparently the FC13 NM does.  I backport the FC13
> NM to FC12?  Or is there something else I'm missing?

There are various F12-updates-testing builds that do support DUN.  Check
koji.fedoraproject.org for them, or 'yum --enablerepo=updates-testing'
for them.  The update rate of NM/MM for F12 will be slowing down, but we
should at least get NM 0.8.1/MM 0.4 for F12 which obviously do support

I've also noticed problems with BT in 2.6.32 and later kernels, but that
appears to be kernel/USB related and not necessarily due to NM.


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