On Sat, 2010-08-07 at 16:32 +0300, Ville-Pekka Vainio wrote:
> I decided to test the Broadcom proprietary driver and it has the same
> problem as b43, I still need to click "Enable Wireless" before NM shows
> any wifi networks. I think that's unnecessary, the wireless could just
> be enabled by default.

Before you check "enable wireless", what is the contents of:


and what is the output of:

rfkill list
cat /sys/class/rfkill/*/state
cat /sys/class/rfkill/*/type

Lets see what those have in them and then we can debug further.  ALso,
what are the top lines of /var/log/daemon.log when NetworkManager starts
up?  It'll be something like this:

Aug  2 21:34:54 dcbw NetworkManager[1271]: <info> WiFi enabled by radio 
killswitch; enabled by state file
Aug  2 21:34:54 dcbw NetworkManager[1271]: <info> WWAN disabled by radio 
killswitch; disabled by state file
Aug  2 21:34:54 dcbw NetworkManager[1271]: <info> WiMAX enabled by radio 
killswitch; enabled by state file
Aug  2 21:34:54 dcbw NetworkManager[1271]: <info> Networking is enabled by 
state file


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