Unfortunately, the whole KDE 3.5 isn't maintained :(

Well, I remember a situation under Suse 11.0, when DBus upgrade broke NM. The 
reason was that NM relied on some DBus bug, which got fixed, thus making NM 
unusable (it was related to some sort of permissions). I wonder if my problem 
can be caused by NM-DBus communication. Anyway, I tried downgrading DBus to 
1.2.1, but that doesn't help. Downgrading NM to 0.7 breaks it totally (now at 
least the cable works fine).


Dnia wtorek, 31 sierpnia 2010, Helmut Schaa napisaƂ:
> On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 3:37 PM, Janek S. <fremenz...@poczta.onet.pl> wrote:
> > I guess not, since I'm using KDE 3.5, not 4.5. It took me a lot of work
> > to get rid of the new KDE and switch back to the good old 3.5 branch. I'm
> > not planning to use 4.X branch.
> Oh, ok, I thought you had a typo in 3.5 and meant 4.5 ;)
> Nevertheless, KNetworkManager 0.7 (for KDE 3.x) is not really
> maintained anymore and the
> logs indicate that the connection between KNM and NM is not working
> properly. Not sure
> though if the interfaces from NM 0.7 to 0.8 changed a lot.
> Helmut

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