On Wednesday 15 of September 2010 12:46:07 Rafal Wojtczuk wrote:
> Another basic question no 1: how can I tell NM to keep its hands off a
> particular interface ? I tried adding (in the [main] section of
> nm-system-settings.conf)
> no-auto-default=FE:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
> and (in the [keyfile])
> unmanaged-devices=FE:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
Unmanaged deviced are defined via plugin-specific way. See
man NetworkManager.conf
For Fedora/RHEL put NM_CONTROLLED=no to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-
eth0 (eth1, etc.)

"no-auto-default" only list interfaces for which a default connection (Auto 
eth0) shouldn't be created (in case no other connection is available for the 
device). It has nothing in common with unmanaging interfaces.

> Another basic question no 2:
> how can I tell NM to keep its hands off /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ?
I think NM sets ip_forward just in case the method is "Shared to other 
computers" to allow forwarding packets.

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