2010/10/11 cee1 <fykc...@gmail.com>

> Hi Dan,
> I tried to run nm-connect-editor(of 0.8.2-beta1), it aborted with "WARNING
> **: Icon nm-device-wwan missing". (gtk+ 2.18.3)
> I copy and rename an arbitrary icon in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps
> to "nm-device-wwan.png", the UI initializes normally.
> Does the source misses this icon for all sizes except 22x22?
> According to the Icon Theme 
> Specification<http://www.freedesktop.org/Standards/icon-theme-spec>,
gtk should load nm-device-wwan.png of size 22x22 automatically. I removed
the manually copied icon in 48x48, nm-connection-editor also pops up its
window normally, curious, maybe the side effect of the cache ?


- cee1
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