2010/11/2 Dan Williams <d...@redhat.com>:
> On Sun, 2010-10-31 at 09:13 +0000, Chris Baines wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been using the Network Manager applet for a while now, but I feel
>> that it is missing some critical features. Firstly it has no way of
>> recording usage and secondly it has no way of distributing bandwidth.
> Correct, usage recording is something we've wanted to do for a while but
> not had enough time.  NM knows what interface the modem is using for
> data, so we can track usage on it.  NM already tracks per-session PPP
> data usage, but does not save it anywhere.  We'd also want to track
> Ethernet data usage because some devices use ethernet interfaces for
> data.
> In the end, I figured that the best thing to do would just be to track
> data for all connections.  We can get it through netlink signals, or
> through polling the interface with various ioctls or
> scraping /proc/net/dev (the ugly way).
> Once this is done, my thought had been to have NM save this information
> on a per-connection basis to an sqlite database
> in /var/lib/NetworkManager, and then expose that data via the D-Bus
> interface.  There's a bug on bugzilla.gnome.org that has more thoughts
> on this, anybody want to look into it?

it would be great to be able to set the "bandwidth warning limit" (in
MB) which would
show a notification (or even stop/pause connection) if a person
reaches this limit
in a current month (or since specified date) on this specific interface.

this would be very useful for 3G modem which pretty often have limits.
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