On 12/02/2010 01:43 PM, Paul Hardwick wrote:

On 2 December 2010 10:32, Lennert Jansen <lenn...@twixel.be <mailto:lenn...@twixel.be>> wrote:

    Hi there,

    As I'm completely new & surprised by network manager, my option
    GMT 382E umts card got working instantly, 3g with Proximus in Belgium.
    However, I'd like to use these kind of card with ubuntu server
    install, and would like to know the commands to get this working
    from the command-line.

    Any tips are welcome, seems I can't figure this out...


Hi Lennert,

If you want a minimal install you need something like the hso_connect.sh script which is available in the HSO driver packages from Option. You can locate the latest script here: http://www.pharscape.org/forum/index.php/topic,821.0.html


www.pharscape.org <http://www.pharscape.org>

the connect.sh script got me a working connection. However, is there a possibility to read out the 3g-reception status etc?

Right now I'm trying to keep the connection up with cron. Seems this is not a great way to do it, right?

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