> Just looking at the interfaces, it seems I need to call
> NetworkManagerSettings.ListConnections() on the
> NetworkManagerSystemSettings service (this is NM 0.7/0.8) to get the
> path of the connection object; and then call
> NetworkManagerSettings.Connection.Update( ... ) on this object, with
> the new settings. If this method call returns successfully (i.e. no
> error, as it has no out arguments), what does it mean -- that the
> connection is now active, or merely that the settings have been
> applied (potentially disconnecting the connection)?
This will just update your new settings for that connection. It won't make the 
connection active.

> Which signals
> should I register for, to know when the new settings have successfully
> taken effect?

> My experiments sending some messages with D-Feet indicate that calling
> Update() on the System Connection isn't allowed ("Read-only
> connections may not be modified") -- or is this merely a configuration
> issue around DBus permissions?
You should have root permissions to modify the Network Manager System Settings.

> Perhaps bindings to a
> language like Python will be the way to go for quick exploration.
Yes, this would be a better option. See the samples.


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