On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 5:50 PM, Dan Williams <> wrote:

> On Sun, 2011-05-01 at 08:32 -0400, Super Bisquit wrote:
> > Is it possible to add a none option to the --with-distro when
> > building. I'm trying to build on FreeBSD. Currently, someone else is
> > beginning a project:
> >
> > I've mentioned on bugzilla some options:
> > .
> >
> > Let me at least try to make it work while everybody is waiting for the
> > project to be finished. I have a laptop with the iwi|ipw2100/2200
> > radio.
> At the moment NM is Linux-only, mainly due to usage of
> Linux-kernel-specific WiFi and Ethernet calls, hardware detection using
> udev, and IP/routing using netlink.

What does netlink do? There may be a port of a similar application in the
ports tree.

>  While NM could be ported, somebody
> would have to explore the FreeBSD alternatives to stuff like udev

I've mentioned devd.

> and
> mechanisms to get the wifi card's current BSSID

You need to setup the wireless as

> , signal strength, rates,
> ethernet carrier on/off

Don't know that one offhand

> , and programmatically setting IP addresses and
> routes.
See the manpages for each driver and for ifconfig.

Anyway, having the option of none for --with-distro would make it easier for
the person doing the google project, myself, and others to be able to start
working on porting. It won't hurt the build process. The gnome network
manager team would see the changes and can work them into the code.

Active devices can be set in rc.conf.

> Dan
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