On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 10:03 AM, Lamarque Vieira Souza
<lamar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So I need them both to be able to list the wireless networks then?
> Yes, Plasma NM from nm09 only talks to NM-0.9. The one in master branch only
> talsk to NM-0.8.

Yes, that I know. The question was if I needed Plasma NM nm09
installed in order for NM to list wireless networks available.

> You said nm-tool did not show any wireless network, then NM-0.9 is not able
> to list wireless and so is Plasma NM. Are you sure your wireless card is
> working and enabled? You can test if it is enabled in NM using:
> nmcli nm
> rfkill list

My wireless card is surely working (I just have to resort to NM 0.8.2
and Plasma NM from my repository and everything works fine up to the
bugs I'm trying to escape from) but I haven't tried those two commands
to ensure wireless networking is enabled. But I guess this answer
means I should be able to list available wireless networks from NM 0.9
alone, right? That is, before installing any NM Cllient. That would
finally answer my question above.

David E. Narváez
networkmanager-list mailing list

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