On Sun, 2011-11-13 at 18:49 +0100, Thomas Bechtold wrote:
> Hi,
> i tried NM 0.9 (latest from git) with MM 0.5 (from ubuntu 11.10) and
> recognized that MM does not detect a wrong SIM-Pin (with a Nokia N900).
> i used a wrong Pin (1234) and got the attached NM logs when i tried to
> activate the connection with "nmcli con up id simyo".
> NM output this: "GSM PIN unlock failed: (32) Unknown error". I think to
> get a correct error mm_serial_parser_v1_parse () should handle the
> serial response for 'AT+CPIN="1234"<CR>' correct. But currently i get:
> ######### MM log ############
> [mm-at-serial-port.c:298] debug_log(): (ttyACM0): --> 'AT
> +CPIN="1234"<CR>'
> [mm-at-serial-port.c:298] debug_log(): (ttyACM0): <--
> [mm-serial-parsers.c:412] mm_serial_parser_v1_parse(): Got failure code
> 100: Unknown error
> Are there any reasons why this response is not handled as an known

Because the modem didn't say it was a SIM PIN error.  It doesn't have to
be a wrong PIN; it could be something like "SIM not inserted" or even
just "not ready" or such.  But we have no idea because the modem
apparently doesn't know about the AT+CMEE=1 command for enabling verbose
errors, which would give this information.  So there's not much we can
do, and inferring the error code from the operation (AT+CPIN) that was
requested is risky since we actually don't know why the operation


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