Hey Eric & Dan,

On Fri, 2011-11-11 at 15:10 -0500, Eric Shienbrood wrote:
> Subject: [PATCH] Added new property to track which facility locks are
> enabled.
> The property EnabledFacilityLocks on the .Modem.Gsm.Card interface
> is a bit mask that indicates which of the various personalization
> codes from 3GPP TS 22.022, plus the SIM PIN lock and SIM PIN2 lock,
> are enabled. The set of facility locks supported by the modem is
> determined at the time the modem is initialized, and the state of
> each supported lock (enabled or disabled) is determined. When the
> state of a lock changes, a property-change signal is sent out. Note
> that ModemManager only supports enabling and disabling SIM-PIN, via
> the EnablePin method on Modem.Gsm.Card. 

One of the changes I did in the new API was to have a new enum being
reported in the "UnlockRequired" property instead of a string. I called
this "MMModemLock", see:

I also included your new MMModemGsmFacility enum in the new API, as
well, named "MMModem3gppFacility":

Any problem in merging these both types? It could be just making
MMModemLock be a flags value instead of an enum. As far as I can see
"MMModem3gppFacility" is a subset of "MMModemLock".



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