On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 3:09 PM, Dan Williams <d...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Tue, 2012-06-26 at 11:34 -0600, Chengyu Fan wrote:
> > Hi~
> > I want to assign some job to my DHCP client (not just configure the
> > network interface). Ex: I let my DHCP client request some private
> > options(224-254), if I get those options another program should run,
> > otherwise just do the regular IP configuration.
> >
> >
> > But the DHCP client is under the control of NetworkManager. Does
> > anyone know that if there is a way to pass a new script to the DHCP
> > client in the NetworkManager? Or if I can configure the NetworkManager
> > to create a new script?
> If you have interface-specific options and you're on Fedora, you can put
> those options into interface config files, eg /etc/dhclient-eth0.conf
> or /etc/dhcp/dhclient-eth0.conf.  The other distros, for whatever
> reason, don't have interface-specific config files by tradition, so you
> all your interfaces have to share the config for your specific options.
> That goes in /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf (Debian, Gentoo)
> or /etc/dhclient.conf (SUSE).
> NM reads this file and copies its contents to the actual config file it
> sends to dhclient.  So feel free to drop your custom 'also request'
> stuff and custom 'option' formats there, and NM will use them.
> NM will call various scripts called "dispatcher" scripts on network
> events, like network up and network down.  So if you'd like your script
> to run when the network is ready (IP addressing complete) you can do
> that, and you'll also get all your DHCP options including the private
> ones in the script's environment.  See 'man NetworkManager' for that.

Thanks for your answer.
I think this is what I need.

One more question:
In DHCP, it is the "script-file" ( which is specified by -sf) to get the
parameters and commit the actual configuration. I'd like to run my script
or program after the network is ready, but how can I get the new DHCP
options in "dispatcher"? Ex: $new_domain_name, $new_ip_address, et al.


> Does that do what you need it to?
> Dan

Chengyu Fan
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