On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 7:19 PM, Alexander Orlov <alxorl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> В Пн., 09/07/2012 в 21:28 +0300, Brian Gitonga Marete пишет:
>> I forgot to attach wvdial.log. Now attached.
>> BGM.
>> On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 9:25 PM, Brian Gitonga Marete <mar...@toshnix.com> 
>> wrote:
>> > Hello all,
>> >
>> > I have the same (or very similar) ZTE MF192 modem referred to by
>> > Dmitry Morozhnikov here:
>> > https://mail.gnome.org/archives/networkmanager-list/2012-February/msg00014.html
>> > My modem is supplied by Orange Kenya, for use in their Orange Internet
>> > 3G service.
>> >
>> > In summary, it also does NOT work for me with MM/NM out of the box.
>> > What is more, the patch suggested by Dmitry in the mail thread
>> > referenced above suffices at least establish an Internet connection
>> > that is fully usable.
>> >
>> > Wvdial works well with this MF192 device, and attached is my wvdial
>> > config as wvdial.conf. I have also attached wvdial.log, so that you
>> > can see what wvdial uses to successfully drive it.
>> >
>> > I was also able to capture a USB trace (using Wireshark) of windows
>> > driving the modem from within a Virtualbox VM. I think this will allow
>> > you to develop full support for this modem. The capture trace reflects
>> > all traffic to/from the modem from hotplug to a short time after I
>> > successfully "connect" from withing the Windows program. Please see
>> > the attachment zte-mf192.cap.xz for this captured trace. View it from
>> > Wireshark.
>> >
>> > Also attached are the files modem-manager.log and network-manager.log,
>> > showing the log of a failed connection attempt (before applying the
>> > patch referenced above). Please also see lsusb.txt for USB ID details
>> > about my modem.
>> >
>> > One last thing: I can confirm that, as in Dmitry case, the AT commands
>> > ZPAS? and ZSNT=1,0,0 do not seem to work on this modem. (And, in fact,
>> > I don't see them in the Windows trace (zte-mf192.cap.xz) which
>> > contains many AT commands to the modem.
>> >
>> > If I had a better idea about the structure/architecture of MM, I might
>> > be able to help better, with actual code :)
>> >
>> > Please let me know if you need any further information.
>> >
>> > Thanks!
> Hello, Brian!
> Recently, I wrote to this list about ZTE MF192. I got it to work with
> dhclient, see my previous messages:
> https://mail.gnome.org/archives/networkmanager-list/2012-June/msg00003.html 
> and 
> https://mail.gnome.org/archives/networkmanager-list/2012-April/msg00043.html
> Please, can you try my patches, and confirm them to work, or not.

Hello Alexander,

Thanks for your email!

Unfortunately, the MF192 I have does not present with a
pseudo-ethernet interface. Just the ttyACM* interfaces.  Dmitry
Morozhnikov patch works for me. Do you have a suggestion that can help
me expose a pseudo-ethernet interface if the device has one? Also,
note that my device has the ID: 19d2:1519, and the latest
usb_modeswitch data packages switches it to a device with ID:

I see that the original report I sent to this mailing list failed to
go through because I attached a full USB trace of the device working
in Windows (in VirtualBox) and captured using wireshark. I will resend
that email without the original attachment shortly.

Many thanks!

Brian Gitonga Marete
Toshnix Systems - http://toshnix.com
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