>>>> See patch attached.
>>>> sierra: use +CFUN=4 for powering down
>>>>   plugins/mm-modem-sierra-gsm.c |   32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>   1 file changed, 32 insertions(+)
>>> This also needs to be intregrated in the master branch version. Attached
>>> is my attempt to do it, but it seems not to work. I see no effect of
>>> disabling the modem with "mmcli -m X -d".
>> See review below.
>>> Also, it seems like the power down is not done before the modem enters
>>> disabled state at startup of MM or after modem is inserted, so I filed a
>>> bug about that:
>>> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=683681
>> Yes, that's a known issue, see TODO in the source tree.
>> Dan, what do you think of this, should we run the whole disabling
>> sequence, including the power-down command, just after the modem gets
>> initialized? I would do it, but now sure if that would have any
>> unexpected complication.
>> The only problem I could think of is when you want to connect your modem
>> as soon as it appears in DBus, running the Simple.Connect() command. In
>> this case you don't really want to go to the low-power mode as you're
>> going to connect it right away.
> When would this happen? This power down/disabling should only happen if
> the mobile broadband is disabled (the default now, although it could be
> discussed if it should be if there are any auto connections available).
> If mobile broadband is enabled and a new modem appears, it should move
> directly from init to start connection.

MM doesn't know anything about "broadband disabled"; that's a NM setting
and NM is the one required to honour it. Just assume MM doesn't work
only with NM.

But I do agree that we need to handle this properly. We do need to run
the whole disabling sequence at the end of the initialization sequence,
either if we're in LOCKED or DISABLED state. The problem doesn't only
come with power consumption (e.g. the modem has radio powered on, even
if we say it's disabled); also, the modem will be registered in the
network and may receive SMS, which we wouldn't process as all the
feature-specific interfaces are not enabled yet. I'll look at how to do
this and suggest a fix for this.

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