
Am Freitag, 21. September 2012, 20:17:24 schrieb Dan Williams:
> On Fri, 2012-09-21 at 12:42 -0500, Larry Finger wrote:
> > On 09/21/2012 12:14 PM, Marius Kotsbak wrote:
> > > On Sep 20, 2012 11:38 PM, "Petric Frank" <pfr...@gmx.de
> > > <mailto:pfr...@gmx.de>>
> > > 
> > > wrote:
> > >  > In fact (here in Germany) german telecom delivered WLAN-routers
> > >  > which all have preset the same (E)SSID. Shall i go to every
> > >  > household (even if i can locate them) in my environment to tell
> > >  > them to change their SSID ?
> > > 
> > > That is bad (but it seems like Linksys routers are the same), but you
> > > should be able to change the SSID of the AP you use.
> > 
> > As far as I know, all routers from a given manufacturer come from the
> > factory with the same ESSID and the same router password. It certainly
> > is true for Netgear and Linksys, As Marius says, you should change the
> > ESSID, and it is very important to change the password. If you don't,
> > you may find that someone else will lock you out of your AP/router, and
> > you will need to learn where the reset button is located. The default
> > ESSID is a clue that the password might not have been changed.
> We've actually had code in NM for quite a long time that, if you click
> on a new network with any of the names:
>         "linksys",
>         "linksys-a",
>         "linksys-g",
>         "default",
>         "belkin54g",
>         "NETGEAR",
>         "o2DSL",
>         "WLAN",
>         "ALICE-WLAN",

"Speedport W 501V"
In fact here the SSID is the name of a device delivered by german telecom to 
its subscribers.

> then NM will create that connection *and* lock it to that access points
> BSSID, so that users don't run into this situation.  Obviously, as time
> goes on we may need to add more to this list.  If anyone has
> nominations, please let me know!

See above.
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