On 09/27/2012 04:22 PM, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
OK, anyone have any experience sending commands, requests etc. via dhclient?

I have my patch fixed up so that it works from a conf file rather than "-F" on the commandline since that is a "Red Hat ism".

I am asking for some stuff and I get little back from dhcpd6 [that is using radvd, named, dhcpd, and dhcpd6 to provide services]. On the other hand, I get pretty much what I asked for from dnsmasq [radvd and dnsmasq provide the services]. In fact, I based what I put in by what dnsmasq was delivering without bein asked.

Anyway, here is nm-dhclient6-eth0.conf
# Created by NetworkManager

send fqdn.fqdn "f17user28";
send fqdn.encoded on;
send fqdn.no-client-update on;
send fqdn.server-update on;
also request fqdn.fqdn;
also request fqdn.hostname;
also request fqdn.domainname;
also require dhcp6.name-servers;
also request dhcp6.fqdn;
also request dhcp6.hostname;
also request dhcp6.domainname;
also request dhcp6.domain-search;
also request dhcp6.client-id;
also request dhcp6.server-id;

And here is dhclient6-<asdad>-eth0.lease
lease6 {
  interface "eth0";
  ia-na 00:e6:01:85 {
    starts 1348776391;
    renew 0;
    rebind 0;
    iaaddr fd00:dead:beef:28::2fe {
      starts 1348776391;
      preferred-life 7200;
      max-life 21600;
  option dhcp6.client-id 0:1:0:1:17:f7:6e:46:52:54:0:e6:1:85;
  option dhcp6.server-id 0:1:0:1:17:f7:6d:f9:52:54:0:15:48:2;
  option dhcp6.name-servers fd00:dead:beef:28::91;
  option dhcp6.domain-search "vtest.";

Any insight would be appreciated. The patch is "almost there" but I would really like to understand this.

BTW, on the client side stuff is working in that I get dhcpd6 addresses and dns update with a RA route. This is both for radvd/dnsmasq and radvd/named/dhcpd/dhcpd6 configurations. Yup, that auto stuff really works nicely.
A little more information. I re-ran my test but this time I had wireshark running on the server.

The requests for fqdn.fqdn, fqdn.hostname, fqdn.domainname, dhcp6.fqdn, dhcp6.hostname, and dhcp6.domainname were not sent from the dhclient to the server. Whether dhcpd6 could/would supply the info is not known since dhclient never asked. At this point I am going to just drop those requests. The dynamic dns update is done and the address is supplied. I do not feel up to digging into dhclient code to see what is screwed up there.

At least stuff works.

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