On Wed, 2013-08-21 at 15:51 +0200, Matthias Ellmer wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I'm trying to deploy linux to a classroom with 15 laptops that have to 
> connect to 802.1x wireless. The students use their university accounts 
> as logins. Is it possible to create a connection profile where the 
> username is not remembered, similarly to how you can set the 
> password-flag to "not-saved"?
> This would be very useful because there can't be any expactation of 
> persistence between sessions. There is only one guest user account that 
> students use, the $HOME of which will be wiped at shutdown, so per-user 
> settings won't be an option either. Modifying the config every time 
> seems way to cumbersome of an approach.
> Ideally I'd imagine something along the lines of:
> [802.1x]
> eap=ttls;
> phase2-auth=mschapv2
> password-flags=2 # Don't remember
> identity-flags=2     # Don't remember
> Laptop boots up, sees system-connection, tries to connect and prompts 
> for both username and password. Is this scenario currently possible? If 
> not, is this something that can be implemented?

At the moment it's not possible, but it's something that could be
implemented using some of the new connection details stuff that's in the
pipe, in combination with some flags like you describe.


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