> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: John Frankish
> > Sent: Saturday, 05 April, 2014 16:54
> > To: 'networkmanager-list@gnome.org'
> > Subject: networkmanager- will not connect to ipv4 wired network
> >
> > Using networkmanager- and dhcpcd-6.3.2, I am unable to connect
> > to a wired connection eth0.
> >
> > If networkmanager is stopped, dhcpcd will connect without problems.
> >
> > The problem appears to be that networkmanager is stuck in a loop
> > trying to make an ipv6 connection when the connection is ipv4 - ipv6
> > is disabled on the router.
> >
> > There is another minor issue in that networkworkmanager is looking for
> > hosts in /usr/local/etc rather than /etc, but adding a symlink does
> > not resolve the issue.
> >
> > Is there some way to disable ipv6 in a networkmanager conf file?
> To add to this, both wired and wireless connections (via network-manager-
> applet) appear to connect, the log reports an ip address has been assigned,
> /etc/resolv.conf is modified with the ip address of the router, but I cannot
> ping the router.
> Using the gnome-control-center network panel to disable ipv6 does not help
> and I notice that the dns server and gateway addresses for both wired and
> wireless connections are blank.
> Both dhcpcd and udhcpc without networkmanager connect without
> problems.

I used the output of "nmcli dev list iface eth0" to populate the blanks in the 
gnome-control-center network panel:

DNS section - entered dns ip

Routes section - entered ip address, netmask, gateway ip

..and finally things work.

I noticed that this changed 
"/usr/local/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Wired Connection 1"


id=Wired connection 1



..by adding the last two entries.

What I don't understand is why networkmanager cannot do this automatically - is 
it because the default "Wired Connection 1" has spaces in the name (?!) or is 
it some sort of dbus/polkit/linux-pam permissions issue?

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