On Fri, 2014-07-04 at 11:51 +1000, Stuart Longland wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> On 04/07/14 10:51, Dan Williams wrote:
> > On Fri, 2014-07-04 at 09:18 +1000, Stuart Longland wrote:
> >> But how do I encode my address settings in a Settings.Connection object?
> >>  Where do I find a list of the settings and their possible values?
> > There's actually a bunch of Python examples here:
> > 
> > http://cgit.freedesktop.org/NetworkManager/NetworkManager/tree/examples/python
> > 
> > that use both plain dbus and Python GObject introspection.  The GObject
> > introspection ones are similar to python-networkmanager actually.  I'm
> > not sure how python-networkmanager accepts a new connection to add, but
> > perhaps the examples give you an idea how to do that?
> Ahh okay, that's handy.  I'll have a dig through those and see what I
> can uncover.
> > I'd expect it to
> > be a normal "dict of dicts" like the examples above show which is then
> > passed to org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Settings.AddConnection().
> It does appear that way, I tried pulling the information out for my
> Ethernet connection and got:
> > In [9]: conn.GetSettings()
> > Out[9]: 
> > {u'bridge': {u'interface-name': u'br0', u'stp': False},
> >  u'connection': {u'id': u'Bridge Ethernet',
> >   u'type': u'bridge',
> >   u'uuid': u'357c4dcf-2600-45fa-8687-05f4c2cb82b4',
> >   u'zone': u'work'},
> >  u'ipv4': {u'addresses': [],
> >   u'dns': [],
> >   u'may-fail': False,
> >   u'method': u'auto',
> >   u'routes': []},
> >  u'ipv6': {u'addresses': [], u'dns': [], u'method': u'auto', u'routes': []}}
> It seems NetworkManager doesn't much like my hand-configured bridge
> (won't see its IP address), but that's a side issue.
> What I'm curious about is what sorts of keys and values are expected in
> that dict of dicts?  At a basic level I need to be able to set IP
> addresses, static routes, DNS servers, domain and DNS search order.

Did you see https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/NetworkManager/Developers ?
(or try `man nm-settings` if you have the manual pages installed)

> Probably host name too (not sure if that's doable in NetworkManager).

SaveHostname , see

> At least that will be the starting point.  The devices in question we're
> setting up will be headless boxes, basically appliances, intended to
> poll energy meters in an energy management system and pump the data
> elsewhere.
> So mostly wired access, there's a couple of places where we have a
> bridges and OpenVPN for technical support on some sites and I envisage
> some possibly needing cellular 3G support.
> No one has approached us with the need for WIFI support, but I bet
> someone will some day, thus it'd be useful to know how that's configured
> too.

I would say, this *should* all work (without knowing your exact

> Is there some documentation as to how these various network types are
> specified as dict objects to NetworkManager?

I think above links is a good starting point, otherwise just ask.


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