Am 16.07.2014 10:59, schrieb Pal, Laszlo:
> Hi,
> One of the recent upgrade continuously trying to destroy my brain by
> changing my virtual bridge configs...
> I don't have a very complicated config, one physical ethernet, one
> wireless and five virtual networks for my KVM machines. It was ok for
> several months, but after one of the recent update I cannot enable
> static addressing for my bridges. If I set-up the interface correctly
> (I mean using static address) and I restart NetworkManager my bridge
> interfaces are duplicated and NM creates another ones with DHCP
> enabled... crazy... I'm not sure if this is because virt-manager or nm
> this is why I post on both list

[1] and [2] might be related here.

In the Debian package I currently ship [3], to not make NM manage any
virtual devices, since I saw a similar behaviour as yours (NM tried to
run DHCP on the vbox interfaces).

Hope that helps,


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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