On Wed, 2014-07-16 at 23:07 +0200, Thomas Schäfer wrote:
> Hi,
> http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3315.txt
> 15.12. Information-request Message
>    Clients MUST discard any received Information-request messages.
>    Servers MUST discard any received Information-request message that
>    meets any of the following conditions:
>    -  The message includes a Server Identifier option and the DUID in
>       the option does not match the server's DUID.
>    -  The message includes an IA option.
> Is the behavior of the devices correct? 
> Are there other RFCs
> (e.g. RFC 4361, RFC 5494, RFC 6221, RFC 6422, RFC 6644, RFC 7083, RFC 7227 ) 
> with different updated rules?
> Or I am completely wrong? 
> (because of mixing Server Identifier and Option Request Server Identifier?)

The also_request() is saying "please server, send me your DUID!" so it
shouldn't contravene the RFC here.  However, I don't think we care a lot
about the server DUID in NM itself, so I think the patch should be fine.
If dhclient needs the server DUID, dhclient will figure out how to get


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