Summary: when resuming from sleep, NM attempts to connect to an AP that no 
longer exists.

This is a new problem as of 0.9.10, best I can tell - at least, I never 
observed this problem in any previous versions of NM.  Other things have 
changed along the way too, so I cannot say with certainty that NM is the 

I don't connect to my phone's wifi tether often, but the only time I've ever 
experienced this problem is when connecting to it, and even then, only when the 
previous AP connected (at time of sleep) was my home AP.  Here's the fun part: 
my home AP's SSID is "RWnMW" and my phone's SSID is "rw" - I'm wondering if 
there's any chance that there's a comparison error somewhere wrt "RW" vs. "rw"

I'm not opposed to doing some more testing of this, but it's a bit difficult to 
do without either inconveniencing other home users (disconnecting RWnMW 
temporarily) or leaving my house to connect to my phone -- typically I'm at 
work when I do that, and being at work means I can't really devote time to 
testing non-work-related stuff.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this to perhaps offer more data 
points, or am I on my own with this?  :-)

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