Dan Williams <d...@redhat.com> on Tue, 2014/09/30 12:33:
> On Mon, 2014-09-29 at 10:27 +0200, Christian Hesse wrote:
> > By default interface name is 'tun' with an incrementing number (tun0,
> > tun1, ...). By specifying 'Interface name' in vpnc config you can change
> > the name to something more descriptice.
> Pushed this, thanks!

Great, thanks!

> After some consideration though, I moved the
> interface name UI widget to the Advanced dialog, since I don't think
> most users would need to enter anything in there.  Hopefully that's OK
> with you :)

I had thought about that myself... ;)
So I am fine.
Schoene Gruesse
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