On Tue, 2014-09-30 at 21:07 +0200, Christian Hesse wrote:
> Christian Hesse <m...@eworm.de> on Mon, 2014/09/29 14:46:
> > By default interface name is 'tun' or 'tap' with an incrementing number
> > (tun0, tun1, ... or tap0, tap1, ...). By specifying 'Interface name' in
> > vpnc config you can change the name to something more descriptice.
> The vpnc part has been merge with some changes. So questions arise:
> * Do you want to update the UI file for GTK+ 3.4 and get an updated patch for
>   that?

I just did that and pushed it.  Perhaps you wanted to do it yourself? :)
But it's really tedious and I figured you didn't...

> * Do you want the interface name widget on Advanced dialog? I suppose yes.

Yeah, lets do that, on the first tab page where stuff like ports and
tun/tap are.

> * Any other changes?

One other style change, when there's code like:

+               g_object_set (G_OBJECT (s_con),
+                               NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_INTERFACE_NAME,
str, NULL);

if it all fits on one line within about 100 characters, then let's put
it on one line.  If it's longer than that, then multi-line, but in that
case lets do some { } and align it like so (two places to do this...):

+       if (str && strlen (str)) {
+               g_object_set (G_OBJECT (s_con),
+                             NM_SETTING_CONNECTION_INTERFACE_NAME, str,
+                             NULL);
+       }

Sound OK?  Thanks!


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