On Tue, 2014-10-21 at 07:09 +0200, Olav Morken wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 16:20:03 -0500, Dan Williams wrote:
> > On Fri, 2014-10-10 at 21:17 +0200, Olav Morken wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > I am trying to set up Network Manager to connect to an OpenVPN server, 
> > > and have trouble understanding how it applies the DNS settings it 
> > > receives from the server.
> > 
> > Sorry for the late reply...
> > 
> > Which version of NM do you have, and what distro?
> It's XUbuntu 14.04 with network-manager
> (I guess I should have been clearer about it being included at the end
> of my original message :) )
> > > Basically, as far as I can tell, it automatically assumes that I want 
> > > to use split dns, and limits the DNS servers it receives from the 
> > > OpenVPN servers to the domains it assumes "belongs to" this 
> > > configuration. However, it also ignores the existing DNS servers it 
> > > has configured.
> > 
> > By default, NM will not do split DNS, which means when the VPN is
> > connected, the VPN nameservers replace the existing nameservers.  This
> > is required to ensure that if for some reason the VPN nameservers cannot
> > be contacted, that your queries don't fall back to the non-VPN
> > nameservers and return bogus (and potentially malicious) results.
> > 
> > But, if you add "dns=dnsmasq" to
> > the /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf file and install 'dnsmasq',
> > then NM will run in split DNS mode.  Here, NM will spawn a private copy
> > of dnsmasq and send it configuration to direct any queries ending in the
> > domain passed back from the openvpn server (or entered into the NM
> > configuration for that VPN connection) to the VPN nameservers, and
> > everything else to the non-VPN nameservers.
> That is quite a large change in behavior for someone running with
> dnsmasq. I also think it is the wrong behavior when we are pushing a
> default route over the VPN. With a default route over the VPN it is
> likely that we would want all traffic, including DNS traffic over the
> VPN. It is also likely that the user would end up trying to contact
> the local DNS servers over the VPN, which would break.

If you want everything to go to the VPN nameservers, then 'dns=dnsmasq'
isn't what you want, since that is what enables this local caching
nameserver configuration.  I guess you just want the non-local-caching
configuration, where you can just not specify "dns=".

> > > That leaves us with a dnsmasq configured with two nameservers it will 
> > > query for two specific subdomains, and no nameservers it will use for 
> > > other domains. The result is that dnsmasq is only willing to respond 
> > > to DNS queries for those subdomains, and respond with "REFUSED" for 
> > > every other domain.
> > > 
> > > I assume that this is not the way it is supposed to work, since that 
> > > would mean that everyone connecting to a VPN would be unable to access 
> > > most of the Internet. I therefore assume that there is something wrong 
> > > with my configuration.
> > 
> > That sounds like a bug; do you know if you have any custom dnsmasq
> > configuration on that system?  Also check two thigns:
> > 
> > 1) /etc/resolv.conf should have "" as the only namesever
> > 2) Look in /var/run/NetworkManager (or /run/NetworkManager) for the
> > 'dnsmasq.conf' file which is what NM sends to dnsmasq
> > 
> > (the only caveat here is that if you run Ubuntu, this procedure may not
> > apply as the info is sent to dnsmasq over D-Bus)
> I wasn't aware the Ubuntu had such significant changes to Network
> Manager. In that case, I think the behavior we am seeing is
> Ubuntu-specific.
> There is no customization of the dnsmasq settings on this system. (In
> fact the behavior has been observed on several different Ubuntu
> installations.)
> From the logs (included at the end of my original message):
>   dnsmasq[1464]: setting upstream servers from DBus
>   dnsmasq[1464]: using nameserver for domain 
> 0.192.in-addr.arpa
>   dnsmasq[1464]: using nameserver for domain example.org
>   dnsmasq[1464]: using nameserver for domain 
> 0.192.in-addr.arpa
>   dnsmasq[1464]: using nameserver for domain example.org
> Nothing in the log about the original (non-VPN) DNS servers, so I am
> guessing they were removed.

I think with Ubuntu, dns=dnsmasq might be enabled by default.  Can you
check /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and if so, remove that

> > Let us know what the results are!
> For what it is worth, after futher testing we have determined that it
> is the IPv6 configuration that "breaks" the DNS config. We have seen
> three different behaviors, depending on the VPN config:
> 1. VPN with only IPv4 address and default route:
>    The DNS servers are added as global DNS servers.
> 2. VPN with both IPv4 and IPV6 addresses and default routes, but only
>    IPv4 DNS servers pushed through VPN configuration:
>    The DNS servers are added as local DNS servers, with no "global"
>    DNS servers.
> 3. VPN with both IPv4 and IPV6 addresses and default routes, and both
>    IPv4 and IPv6 DNS servers pushed through VPN configuration:
>    The IPv4 DNS servers are added as "local" DNS servers, and one of
>    the IPv6 DNS servers are added as a "global" DNS server.
> It was scenario 2 that was the original problem. For now, it looks
> like we have a workaround in scenario 3, since in that case we are
> left with a IPv6 DNS server that can be used for global queries.
> A wild guess from me is that the Ubuntu devlopers noticed the broken
> VPN DNS behavior with dnsmasq (since dnsmasq is the default on
> Ubuntu), and fixed it for the IPv4-only VPN case, but forgot to handle
> the IPv4-and-IPv6 case.
> I think I'll try to raise it as a Ubuntu-bug, and live with pushing an
> IPv6 DNS server as a workaround.

Odd...  I'm not quite sure why it would be happening that way.  In any
case, NM should only be doing split DNS when 'dns=dnsmasq' is set *and*
the VPN sends a domain name to NetworkManager.  So I'd expect to see
your #1 case above also do "local" VPN DNS servers, with the DHCP
servers as fallback.


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