On Fri, 2014-10-24 at 19:05 +0200, Nicolas Boulicault wrote:
> Hi there,
> Michael asked to forward this to the list, so here it is...
> The patch 0005-Mark-virtual-ethernet-interfaces-as-unmanaged.patch
> (debian Jessie) messes up with my virtual interfaces (vmware
> vmnet1/vmnet8).

Could you run NM with --log-level=debug and reproduce the issue so that
we can get an idea of what NM is doing?

The goal is to still recognize these interfaces, but *not* touch them,
simply represent their current external state through the NM APIs and
command-line tools.  So if NM is somehow screwing up those devices by
changing their configuration, that would be a bug in NM, and we need to
find it and fix it.


> Even if I set them manually unmanaged (from /etc/network/interfaces or
> using keyfile plugin), they finally appear connected and make me lose my
> internet connection if my ethernet link is down and I'm using WIFI.
> I'm not sure exactly what's going on with the internals of
> Network-Manager in this case but setting the default unmanaged flag on
> the interfaces seems to have some negative side effects.
> However, I think the idea of not managing the virtual interfaces is OK,
> in particular for not expert users.
> You'll find enclosed a small plugin that detects those virtual
> interfaces and adds them to the unmanaged list. This is based on the
> keyfile plugin.
> Please feel free to use it (or not).
> (0005-Mark-virtual-ethernet-interfaces-as-unmanaged.patch has to be
> reverted for this plugin to work)
> Thanks for your work anyway.
> Nicolas
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