On Fri, 2015-01-09 at 17:45 +0000, Richard Willis wrote:
> I'm posting this question first just to ascertain if using NetworkManager is 
> possible in the embedded project I am working on.
> This project uses multiple networking interfaces (Eth, WiFi, GSM-Radio, 
> Bluetooth) but runs as a "headless" black box, gathering telemetry 
> information and providing some gateway support. NetworkManager would be a 
> very good fit for this device, but I am concerned that NetworkManager may 
> have link dependencies for GUI support, something the product does not have.
> I'm interesting in hearing if anyone has tried running NetworkManager without 
> any GUI.. is it possible?
> FYI, product is similar to a BeagleBone Black.. OS is a variant of Yocto, but 
> we can run Debian Wheezy for initial experimentations.

In addition to the other replies, if you want to build for a single-user
embedded system, there are some configure-time options you might want:

--with-session-tracking=none (don't require consolekit or systemd)
--with-suspend-resume=upower (don't require systemd)
--with-selinux=no (don't require libselinux)
--enable-teamdctl=no (don't use libteam)
--enable-polkit=no (don't use PolicyKit)
--with-libsoup=no (don't do connectivity checking)


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